07917 046462 neil@sailfunk.com
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‘A company that celebrates life and puts champagne in the veins’

‘Its not that life ashore is distasteful to me, but life at sea is better’ – Sir Francis Drake


During the season we will be regularly hosting half day sails from Salcombe which are a fun and flexible option for individuals or couples who fancy giving sailing a try and perhaps don’t want to charter Sailfunk exclusively.

You don’t need any prior experience to come sailing with us; you can get involved as little or as much as you like. If you have sailed before this is a great chance to brush up on your skills under the supervision of an experienced skipper and have some fun ‘out on the blue’.

We maintain a database for individuals or couples who may be interested in booking a sail with a skipper. If you would like your details added to the database in order to be kept up to date with dates and events (no obligation to book), please register with us by email. Your personal information will not be passed on to anyone else.