07917 046462 neil@sailfunk.com
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‘A company that celebrates life and puts champagne in the veins’



Your health, safety and well-being whilst on board are of the upmost importance to us and we are taking the risks that covid-19 continues to present very seriously.

Sailfunk Yachting has been liaising with the Professional Charter Association, Salcombe Harbour Authority, British Marine and The RYA regarding both operational and covid-19 safety matters and have agreed a way forward.

Accordingly we have introduced the following 18-point plan in order to minimise the risks presented to both our guests and crew as far as is possible:


  1. Guests must complete a simple health questionnaire, sign and return it by email PRIOR TO their pre-booked charter date; return email address: neil@sailfunk.com
  2. Guests must provide the full names, addresses and contact details of ALL guests PRIOR TO their pre-booked charter date in order to support the Governments ‘track and trace system’. In accordance with Government guidelines these records will be held by Sailfunk Yachting for 21 days and then destroyed. Please email these details to: neil@sailfunk.com


3. 1 metre + separation for social distancing must be maintained at all times on pontoons.

4. Guests will be asked to embark and disembark Sailfunk independently and without assistance, maintaining social distancing.

5. Guests will be asked to load and unload their own equipment, picnics and rubbish independently, maintaining social distancing.

6. Guests are asked to bring their own hand sanitisers, masks and gloves on board.

7. Guests will be asked to wear masks and gloves when their yacht is moored adjacent to land-linked pontoons and as directed by Sailfunks skippers and crew members.

8. Guests will be asked to wash their hands as soon as they board their yacht.

9. Sailfunk Yachting will hold a stock of hand sanitiser, surgical gloves, face masks and an infrared thermometer on board though guests will be asked to observe point 6.

10. One wet room (head) will be allocated for our guests use; the second wet room will be used by Sailfunk crew members.

11. Guests will only be allowed below decks to access their allocated wet room or in the event of severe weather.

12. All cabins and kitchen facilities will be out of bounds to our guests.

13. A social distance of 1 metre + will be observed at all times between guests and Sailfunk crew members, where possible.

14. No catering will be undertaken on board. Our guests will be encouraged to bring their own pre-prepared picnics and alcoholic drinks on board and remove their rubbish when leaving Sailfunk. Large plastic sacks will be provided to facilitate this.

15. All skippers and crew members will follow personal sanitation procedures each day prior to starting work and post charter. Any crew member showing symptoms of a cough, cold or flu will be asked to self-isolate for 14 days.

16. Sailfunk will be disinfected and deep cleaned prior to and immediately following a charter; a particular emphasis will be put on wiping down and disinfecting all contactable surfaces with the decks, cockpit and wet rooms being disinfected, deep cleaned and washed down using a bio-degradable cleaner.

17. We will be limiting the number of charters undertaken this season to ONE charter per day in order to ensure sufficient time is available between charters to complete a deep clean and fully prepare your yacht.

18. Sailfunk Yachtings’ terms & conditions and cancellation policy will be amended in order to provide our guests with a FULL REFUND in the event that Salcombe town and its Harbour is ‘locked down’ or designated a ‘no go’ area as directed by Salcombe Harbour Authority, South Hams District Council or DEFRA.

Keep safe; I look forward to seeing you in Salcombe at some point and hopefully welcoming you aboard to enjoy some great sailing.

With very best wishes

Neil Lawrence